How To Make Your Garden More Eco-Friendly

It's important that we all do what we can to help protect the environment, and we're here to help you do your bit starting with the garden! See below for our tips and advice on how you can make your garden more eco friendly.

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Attracting Wildlife

One of the best ways to support the environment is to encourage wildlife into your garden. Not only can you provide a home to local birds, butterflies and insects in your very own back yard, but you'll benefit too from your very own natural pest control! A great way to attract local wildlife is by adding native plants to your garden - native plants adapt to the climate and provide nectar, pollen and seeds that act as food for local creatures and critters. You'll be helping the planet, doing your bit for local wildlife and, better than anything else, your garden will thrive. If you're feeling braver than most you can even give planting a whole tree a go! Need some inspo? Take a look at our range of plants!

Allow Yourself to be a Bit Messy

Everyone has different tastes when it comes to decorating their garden, but wildflowers and natural beauty are really in right now. Live out your cottage-core fantasy by allowing your garden to overgrow a little and get its very own rustic, wild look. Plus, if you allow even a small section of your garden to get a little messy, you'll encourage a gorgeous array of natural-looking plants that will really appeal to the local wildlife. But never fear, if you're scared of your garden turning into a jungle overnight, you can shop our wide range of garden tools!

Provide for Nature

We all know that the key to being a good host is snacks, right? Well, if you really want to encourage birds into your garden then a surefire way is to set up a bird feeder to make them a little more at home. Plus, bird feeders are a great feature that adds a quirky touch to your garden and shows you care. There are tonnes to choose from - hanging, standing, metal, wooden - stuck for ideas? Check out this wooden bird feeder, it would look great in any garden!

Reducing Your Environmental Impact

What's more eco-friendly than home-grown food? A great way to reduce your environmental impact and contribute to the natural world is to grow some fruit and veg yourself. Plus, it's cheaper, tastes great and let's be honest - it's fun! You can grow pretty much anything yourself if you give it a go - apples, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and more. It's a great activity that you can do with the whole family - no expertise needed! If you're not sure where to start, we've got a vegetable growing kit that is the perfect place to begin.


Having your own compost heap not only gives a habitat to a vast array of wildlife such as frogs, hedgehogs and earthworms, but it is also a super easy and environmentally-friendly way to dispose of food waste. Starting your own compost heap is one of the easiest things to do - especially when you can get your hands on these Growmoor 40L compost bags!


If you're lucky enough to have the room and resources to have your very own garden pond, you can provide even more space for amphibians and fish as well as insects. Plus, you'll have a built-in source of water for animals to drink! If this isn't an option for you, a great alternative is to give your wildlife their very own water source in the form of a bird bath - and just like a bird feeder, they can look great! Check out this traditional bird bath for example!

Garden Furniture

Finally, being eco-friendly doesn't mean you can't also give yourself a little space to relax in your garden. Rattan garden furniture is the most eco-friendly option currently on the market. Rattan is a raw natural material that grows back quickly and is harvested by hand, making it a much better choice than metal or wood for garden furniture. Shop our full range of rattan garden furniture and check it out for yourself!