Garden Grow Deluxe Greenhouse
from £27.99 P&P
Choose Your Greenhouse Style
There are a number of factors to consider when choosing the best greenhouse style for your needs. First off, you need to think about the size and shape of your greenhouse and what's going to suit your outdoor space. We have a wide selection of different sizes on Wowcher which can fit any garden, ranging from polytunnels to large walk-in tiered greenhouses. Alternatively, you can even grow your own plants indoors with a 24-cell windowsill greenhouse! You will also need to consider the material and glazing of your greenhouse. Whether you're looking at wooden, metal, or plastic options, we have a great choice of sustainable greenhouses which will shield your plants from harsh weather conditions whilst also allowing you to manage temperature, moisture and light.
How To Use A Greenhouse
A greenhouse is ideal for growing your favourite plants and vegetables, and can be used all year round if you plan correctly. To start with, you'll need to measure out your greenhouse space to make sure that you have ample room to grow your selection. You can then begin the process by sowing seeds indoors until they're germinated and ready to be placed in your greenhouse. An unheated greenhouse may not be warm enough for your plants until April time, so it's important to take this into consideration and manage the temperature where required. Next it's time to get planting your crops into their final positions using greenhouse borders, containers or growing bags. Make sure they have sufficient support and space to grow freely! Once the hard work has been done, it's time to do regular maintenance on your plants to make sure that they're well watered and ventilated. The plants needs will change by the season, but a greenhouse is ideal for making sure they have the best chance of thriving.
Does A Greenhouse Need To Be In The Sun?
Whilst a greenhouse can be planted in a variety of garden spots, to give your plants the best chance of growing you should set up your greenhouse in an open space which gets a lot of sunshine and natural daylight. Ideally, a greenhouse should get at least six hours of full sun, even during the winter. Try to avoid placing it in damp areas, or anywhere which is prime to surface water or harsh winds. You should also aim to set up your greenhouse on level ground which is easily accessible.
Which Type of Greenhouse Is The Best?
This depends on your circumstances, however, many believe that a greenhouse with polycarbonate glazing is the best type to have, especially if you're a beginner gardener. Polycarbonate plastic offers better light diffusion as it's thicker than glass and therefore doesn't let in as much direct light. This allows it to spread evenly throughout the greenhouse, offering a better growing environment for your plants and veggies. Polycarbonate is also more durable and shatter-resistant, so your greenhouse can be used for many years to come. Thanks to its thermal efficiency and UV protection, polycarbonate greenhouses can also help you to grow more all year round.