Sushi in Northampton

As one of the most unique cuisines in the world, Japanese Sushi is full of exquisite tastes and fasci-nating textures to excite your palette. Whether you’re a seasoned expert in Japanese cooking or a Sushi novice, you can say Konnichiwa (hello) to a range of brilliant deals thanks to Wowcher. We work with some of the best specialist Sushi restaurants in Northampton to offer you the best food at the most reasonable price possible. So, prepare to tuck into some soft shell crab or vegetable tempura with your best chop stick skills at some of Northampton's fanciest and most well-regarded Japanese eateries. Whether you go alone, as a couple or with a larger group of friends, there will be a great deal waiting for you.

Sashimi Deluxe Selection for 1 or 2: 20 Pieces at Sakura, Northampton



Sashimi Deluxe Selection & Wine