Find bingo and gambling deals and casinos near to Eastbourne or get your lottery tickets ready for the weekend with these deals. If you’re quick with a bingo dabber or think your lucky numbers will take you to the jackpot, we have a selection of offers for EuroMillions raffle tickets, Lotto lines and much more.
Eastbourne also provides a host of things to see and do whether you’re stopping in for the day or settling in for a longer stay. Eastbourne Beach is full of revellers over summer, whether you’re topping up your tan, going for a swim or heading to the Victorian boardwalk of Eastbourne Pier to take in a show or just admire the landscape. Towner Eastbourne is not only a striking, colourful sight from afar but also houses some incredibly contemporary art while Eastbourne Redoubt is also unmissable due to its unique architecture and astonishing scale.