dental braces & invisalign near Canterbury

Make the best out of your teeth with our offers for dental braces and orthodontic treatments for adults and children around Kent. We have discounts for a range of clinics in Kent for fixed braces to help straighten teeth as well as treatments for healthy gums.

As the home of Canterbury Cathedral, St. Martin’s Church and the ruins of St. Augustine’s Abbey, there’s absolutely loads of things to do in Canterbury for history buffs and those hungry to explore impressive landmarks. These historic places not only come together to form a World Heritage Site but also boast some of the finest surroundings to get lost in. Along with picnics in Westgate Gardens, there is also the Blean Woods Nature Reserve which offers incredible wildlife and 12-mile long cycling tracks for those who like exercise along with their sightseeing.

For more treatments and locations, browse our selection of dental brace offers in Kent




£100 Voucher for Invisalign Treatment at VidaDent in London

Premium Composite Bonding up to 2, 4, 6 or 8 Teeth - Smilestone Dental & Facial Clinic, Shoreditch




20 Minute Dental Oral Hygiene Check Up w/ Scaling & Polish - Victoria



20 Minute Dental Oral Hygiene Check Up w/ Scaling & Polish